January 26, 2021

Travelling to South Africa in 2021

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Travelling to South Africa in 2021

2020 has been a wasted year for the traveller. With planes grounded and people sheltering indoors for the majority of the time, there is little surprise that despite the fact that 2021 is off to a shaky start, travellers are eager to start packing their bags.

The travel trends for 2021 look to be incredibly different to the years that have gone past and while travel is without a doubt going to look very different to what we are all used to, travel will hopefully not be off the cards for too long.

The one thing that will be glaringly different to the previous years, is that as travellers, we are not going to be as free to adventure as we once were. Perhaps in time travel will look as it once did, but for the next year or more, things will without a doubt be looking very different.

As a traveller it is so important that you understand the various changes relating to travel are going to be at every border crossing and that patience will be key to happy travelling.

What changes can be expected?

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  1. You will need to stay informed

With everything changing so fast these days, you don’t have the good fortune of being able to travel off the grid. Not because there is some kind of conspiracy theory at play, but because with regulations changing so fast, you can ill afford to not stay up to date with all of the latest information.

You should also make sure that your trip is well-planned and that you know exactly where you will be travelling from one day to the next. If you are travelling through a travel agent, be sure to ask them for a detailed travel itinerary and read up as much as you can about the current situation in the country and area you are heading to.

  1. Fewer group tours

For many, travelling as part of a group was the ideal. It saved money and it was one way to ensure that everyone stayed safe along the way. But in 2021, group adventures are unlikely to be few and far between as it will be seen as too risky to be travelling with strangers. Solo travels and those with just close friends and family are to become the norm.

  1. You might be asked to test

We’re all very much COVID fatigued, but the reality is, we’re going to be hearing about it for a while still. You might be required to have a COVID test done before you travel (at least 72 hours before), and then you might have to test again before you head home. Testing is without a doubt both a pain and an extra cost that you will have to factor in, but without it, you might never get to travel.

  1. How people travel might change

Prices for travelling might no longer be related to just the carrier and the destination. Instead, travellers might end up paying more or less depending on the safety of the destination they intend to visit.

Travellers might also be keen on using private transport as opposed to group transport and airplanes might be emptier than usual.


In 2021, we hope to welcome you to our oasis on the banks of the Kruger National Park. At Kambaku River Lodge we have exclusive accommodation and we offer wildlife sightseeing right from the comfort of our rooms.
