July 23, 2021

5 Ways to be an Eco-Friendly Traveller

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Living a sustainable lifestyle and making sure that you leave as small a footprint on the planet as possible, means having to make a few changes to the way that you approach your day to day life, as well as the way that you travel.

Those who are fortunate to travel to far flung places, including attractions like the Kruger National Park, should keep in mind the various ways that they can minimise their impact on the environment in which they are travelling, so as to ensure that the space stays in the same condition in which they found it.

At Kambaku River Lodge, we are committed to protecting the land on which we have built our Kruger Park accommodation. In this exquisite part of the world, where the natural African bush is lush and home to an array of wildlife, our lodge forms a part of the land and we are dedicated to ensuring the land is treated in a sustainable manner, so that future generations can enjoy it.

If you are keen on following our environmentally friendly mantra, then you should have a look at these tips for being an eco-friendly traveller.

Bring your own water bottle and/or travel mug

When exploring all that South Africa has to offer, you are most certainly going to get really thirsty along the way. Instead of buying throw away coffee cups and water bottles, which are not going to be environmentally friendly when disposed of, you should rather think about bringing a reusable water bottle and coffee mug.

Buy Local

All towns have their home grown brands. Places like restaurants and corner cafes are often owned by families and they rely greatly on the support of visiting tourists, especially after the tough times of 2020. Instead of going for the chain stores, think about shopping and staying local. Luckily, in SA, most lodges, like Kambaku, are locally owned, so finding a place like ours will be easy.

Use local tour companies

Safari companies as well as those who provide tours of South African cities are generally owned and run by locals. If you are not sure if the company you are looking for is a local one, you could always dig a little deeper with your research. You could also ask the lodge you are staying at to recommend a tour company.

Don’t fly everywhere

Naturally, if you are visiting from outside of Africa, you are going to need a plane to get here. But once you are in the country, you can look at different modes of transport to get around. South Africa is huge so flying around (if you have the money) is attractive, but in the long run, it is just not eco-sustainable. Looking at shared modes of transport is a great option.

At the hotel

There are some things you can do at the hotel you are staying at, to make your trip more sustainable. Hanging up your towel so it can naturally dry and doesn’t have to be washed after each time you bathe, taking your own toiletries, and drinking tap water (if it is safe to do so) are all ways you can be an eco-traveller at your hotel.