Indemnity Form

Kambaku River Lodge Indemnity

Kambaku River Lodge Indemnity

Please make sure this is a phone number that we can reach you on WhatsApp.
Do you consent that we contact you via WhatsApp?
According to the POPI Act, No. 4 of 2013, we require your consent in order receive information by WhatsApp. We use the platform to provide faster service, receive your orders and allow you to contact us regarding requests so that we may tend to it quickly.

Guest names and ID/Passport numbers (4)

It is very important that all guest's names and identification documents are uploaded.
Dietaries: (1)
Besides dietaries, please share any other important preferences, allergies or sensitivities.
Alcohol preferences; I can consume (1): *
Besides dietaries, please share any other important preferences, allergies or sensitivities.
Alcohol preferences; I can consume(2): *
Besides dietaries, please share any other important preferences, allergies or sensitivities.
Alcohol preferences; I can consume(3): *
Besides dietaries, please share any other important preferences, allergies or sensitivities.
Alcohol preferences; I can consume(4): *
Besides dietaries, please share any other important preferences, allergies or sensitivities.
Alcohol preferences; I can consume(5): *
Besides dietaries, please share any other important preferences, allergies or sensitivities.
Alcohol preferences; I can consume(6): *
Besides dietaries, please share any other important preferences, allergies or sensitivities.
Alcohol preferences; I can consume(7): *

Maximum file size: 52.43MB

Why do we need this information? 1. For your safety, we might not be able to assist in a medical capacity if we do not have these. 2. The banks need verification at times - to prevent fraud. File Types: jpg, jpeg, Jpe, png, gif, pdf, heic, webp
It is important that you tell us if you and your accompanying members have any allergies, dietary preferences or sensitivities.
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I have read the Essential Information Document

Here is the information you will need to know, ย just click the elephant below:

Dear guest,

You are signing this form not only on your own behalf but also on behalf of all the other members in your party visiting the premises of Kambaku River Lodge and/or occupying any of its rooms as a result of your presence at the lodge and/or your completion of the registration process on their behalf (“the members of your party”)

All guests entering these premises (Kambaku River Lodge) do so entirely and unconditionally at their own risk. The Owners, it's Officers, Employees, Agents and/or Contractors, of these premises (Kambaku River Lodge) will not be held responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any claim of whatsoever nature in respect of loss, damage, expense, injury or death howsoever caused to, or sustained or suffered by any person/'s and/or property at the time, whether arising from any negligent act/s or omission's of the Owners. Kambaku River Lodge retains the rights of admission to the property and its facilities.

You represent and agree that you are duly authorised to bind the members of your party to the conditions contained in this agreement.

You and the members of your party have arranged your own insurance for all risks or losses that may arise during your stay at Kambaku River Lodge in such amounts as you may require.

You and each of the members of your party absolve Kambaku River Lodge, its owners, operators and staff (“the establishment”) or contractor (collectively called owners) of these premises, from any liability to any of you (whether jointly or individually) from any cause whatsoever nature in respect of loss, damage, expense, injury or death howsoever caused, based on any ground of liability whatsoever, (i.e. liability without fault being established). Whether it arises as a result of a breach of contract on the establishment’s part, or due to the negligent or reckless conduct of the establishment or as a result of any of the already mentioned conduct, theft of, any illegal act on the part of the establishment’s employees or any other persons for whose actions it may be liable as a result of their employment with the establishment.

You indemnify and hold the establishment harmless against any claims instituted against the establishment by any of the members of your party (whether jointly or individually), which are based on any of the forms or grounds of liability set out in the clauses above for the day of arrival, travel to and from the premises, the duration of the stay and a period of 6 months thereafter.

All vehicles are parked in all respects at the risk of the parker/owner thereof.

Safari’s & Tours:

I, by signing this agreement, declare that my general health is good and there is nothing which renders me unfit to undertake a tour;

That I understand and acknowledge fully the fact that there may well be risks,

hazards and danger involved to which I would be subjected, more particularly, but not limited thereto:

That there will not always be protection in the form of fences, buildings and vehicles in which to take cover, and that exposure to one or more of the following potentially dangerous animals such as lion, hyena, buffalo, rhinoceros, leopard, hippo, buck, warthog, bush pig, wildebeest, elephant, as well as venomous snakes, spiders, insects and plants and other natural hazards may occur whilst on tour, that rivers and dams may contain bilharzia and sickness may result upon entry into such waters.

That I am aware of the hazards and distribution of malaria in Southern Africa, example, you will be entering a “Malaria area” whilst in Mpumalanga.

That I am aware of the potential dangers of exposure to the sun – directly or indirectly – and that serious sunburn may result from unprotected exposure.

*I voluntarily assume the risk inherent in taking part in such a tour and I, together with all my members heirs, executors and administrators, hereby release Kambaku River Lodge, it’s officers, servants, agents and representatives, from any duty or care towards me, in connection with my participation in any tour, and from liability from all or any claims that could accrue to me, my members or my heirs, executors and administrators arising out of my participation in the tour or in any related activities irrespective of whether such claim or claims arose through negligence or any person, or from any of the risks, dangers or hazards inherent in an African tour, or of any loss of, or damage to, any property from any cause whatsoever and I further indemnify and hold harmless associated persons against any claims however the same may arise.

Bird Hide:

All guests entering the Hide at Kambaku River Lodge do so entirely and unconditionally at their own risk. The Owners, it's Officers, Employees, Agents and/or Contractors, of these premises (Kambaku River Lodge/ Pantera Photo Safari's/ Kruger National Park/ Sanparks) will not be held responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any claim of whatsoever nature in respect of loss, damage, expense, injury or death howsoever caused to, or sustained or suffered by any person/s and/or property at the time, whether arising from any negligent act/s or omission/s of the Owners. RIGHT OF ADMISSION RESERVED

Binocular hire: Should you return hired binoculars damaged a fee of R2500 will be charged for repairs.


Should I/we choose to make use of the spa and undergo treatments from the beauty therapists, I/we shall declare any ailments that may affect the therapists of Kambaku River Lodge and that may cause myself/ourselves any complications or reactions. I/we agree to complete the Kambaku River Lodge Spa Consultation Form prior to booking the spa treatment. (Please refer to the section below regarding Protection of Personal Information.)

Protection of Personal Information

According to the POPI Act, No. 4 of 2013, you assent to Kambaku River Lodge and its staff making contact with you, inter alia, via phone call, WhatsApp Messenger and email. Any of the information supplied to Kambaku River Lodge prior to agreement of this indemnity, and after, will be stored safely by Kambaku River Lodge and will be used for purposes regulated by the aforementioned Act.


I confirm that I am in good health.

I am aware of the hazards of travelling, as well as other contagious diseases and I confirm that I have taken out my own travel insurance and health insurance that covers quarantine and isolation costs in the event it is required (international visitors only)  and will not hold Kambaku River Lodge responsible for any deaths or any other infection of a contagious disease whilst visiting Kambaku River Lodge or thereafter.

You take full responsibility for your own safety and for the safety of aforementioned guests, including medical care and emergency assistance and you are fully aware of and consent to and agree that the Kambaku River Lodge, its directors, shareholders, principals, employees, agents or its contractors and suppliers will not be held responsible or liable for any ways the resultant medical or emergency care or assistance.

3rd Party Operators

I indemnify Kambaku River Lodge from any responsibility should an issue arise due to a 3rd Party Operator or supplier. Should Kambaku River Lodge have organised, booked on behalf of or helped orchestrate any of the 3rd Party services, I understand that Kambaku River Lodge will not be held liable for any injury, damage or loss.


With regards to any Activity or Day Trip booked by Kambaku River Lodge, I acknowledge that I am well acquainted with and fully aware of and acknowledge the full dangers and risks that are associated with the guest lodge and/or guest lodge arising from the presence of wild and dangerous animals, reptiles, birds and insects and the real risk of suffering bodily harm, injury death and/or loss of property which may arise because of an encounter with and/or presence of wild animals and/or reptiles and/or birds whilst on the premises or property of the reserve/lodge. I indemnify Kambaku River Lodge against all claims arising from participation in third-party activities.


I understand that the cause or nature arising against my/our participation in the activities of the reserve/lodge their associates, employees, and/or any other persons connected directly or indirectly with the running of the reserve/lodge and fellow guests, which I might have arisen out of the harm, injury, death, or loss suffered whilst on the premises of the reserve/lodge and whether arising out of an act of commission or omission on the part of those hereby indemnified or any one of them. I indemnify and hold harmless and free, the owners of the

reserve/lodge, their associates, employees and/or any persons connected directly or indirectly with the running of the reserve/lodge and the fellow guests from any and all claims of whatsoever cause or nature which may arise on behalf of my spouse, common law

wife/husband, my children, whether minor or adult, or relatives and/or persons accompanying me to the reserve/lodge whether arising from an act of commission or omission on the part of those hereby indemnified or any one of them.


In the event of injury, the reserve/lodge may at its discretion and without prejudice and without admission of liability arrange and pay for the emergency medical treatment for and on behalf of the guest. By signing this document, I accept the House Rules as set out by the third party.